Saturday 2 April 2011

Motivation to lose weight.

March 13, 2010 posted by adminMotivation for weight lose.

Tips for weight loss and diet doesn't really help if there is a lack of motivation. The weight loss process didn't get finished in fifteen days. That is why the motivation is an important key to get positive results. Most people are aware of the basics. The essential component of any weight loss program is to stick with the program chosen together following best practices.If you can do it, then weight loss will be much easier for you just like the immigration dna test.

When it comes to weight loss, the best way to keep yourself motivated is to be sure of the reason that you want to change your lifestyle and habits. You should try the real reason for the unwanted pounds off your body. Most people need to lose weight because of medical reasons. But keep your body at the right weight and eat healthy foods can benefit greatly.

Another good way to stay motivated with your weight loss program is to find a good partner that would share the same goal with you. This will not only help you but also your partner. This gives the feeling of being responsible, which makes it an excellent motivational tool. In some cases of competition may also creep in, even if too much of competition can be harmful, but this depends on the partner. If you are able to maintain a healthy balance possible weight loss has become faster and more fun.

Creating a realistic goal is also very important. This should start with how much weight you want to lose. Then you must determine the number of calories that you consume on a daily basis. After that you can set yourself a goal week, monthly goal and a goal. Since it can take a long time to see a significant change, setting realistic goals will keep you on track.


Choosing the right body weight reduction for you

March 14, 2010 posted by adminChoosing The Right Body Weight Reduction Program For You

You will discover a wide variety of ways in which you can lower your body weight in these days and I feel often people ask, "what weight reducing program is best?"Well, to be honest, just take a look at any kind of Web site and you'll see dozens of recommendations from people eating a diet that has proved useful so basically you can say that reducing work programmes around the weight.

However, for them to work you need to do them and make them correctly and as teachers and here it seems the problem. Therefore, the trick is to find the strategy that works for you, what you can to stick with until you reach your desired body weight, one that gives you a good strategy and what maintenance offers you more support.

We as humans are all different, we like a variety of things, thinking various things, say various things and work in different ways. So why all of us would prefer to do the same body weight, reducing the program or why on earth would a strategy works with everyone when we like the same kind of food? So if you know that you are the kind of individual who begins to obsess about food, once you begin a weight reduction program so don't choose a diet that gives a person too much choice.

It could have been the problem from the beginning, because you have so much choice you have too much of everything on a regular basis. Your creativity is executed by you and takes your taste buds with it. Even so, in case you are the kind of guy who can't stand the milk, then selecting a weight reducing program that depends on clearly shakes would not work for you. However, if you are the kind of guy who is very hectic, health and nutrition conscious and loves fruits and juices, then a program dependent on good fruit smoothies and nutrition may well be the ideal solution for you. Just like minoxidyl might be good for some types of hair loss, weight loss program is specific to you is the key to making work.


5 effective strategies to lose fat

March 27, 2010 posted by admin5 Effective Strategies To Lose The Fat

Listed here are five tips for effective weight reduction that work, so be sure to put in place every day.

1) an Apple every day will keep the actual grease. A lot of people have a great fear of fresh fruit, while on the Diet weight loss regime, which is a totally wrong presumption extremely. Fresh fruit is full of fiber, decrease hunger and prevent you from eating too much as the day progresses.

2) pump those barbells. You would be amazed that the number of individuals does not understand the benefits of weight lifting whenever trying to lose fat. Increased muscle tissue leads to an increased metabolism, basically, its very physical dissolves more calories than fat, although they tend to watch tv. Cardiovascular activity is really a must, however, remind the barbells.

3) water: the foundation of existence? Moreover, it is the actual source for a slender physique. In addition to being essential for overall performance as well as physical well-being, staying hydrated with ingesting adequate water is a good way to inspire effective reducing fat.

4) consume fewer portions but more frequently. A lot of people keeps a variety of programs of insane diet on weight reduction. Few actually diminish themselves fluids only. Don't deprive yourself. For this reason as well as function in opposition to what you are going because it starts to feed off muscle tissue, rather than the actual fat, your body may detest it. The reason for this is because it goes into starvation mode. Consume more regularly maintains a degree of blood sugar that encourages regular amounts of vitality during the day. You can even get creative and find some fantastic recipes of the Caribbean.

5) consume 2-3 cups of green tea per day, because it really do wonders for fat loss.


Friday 1 April 2011

No bad way to lose weight

March 16, 2010 posted by adminDon't lose weight the bad way

When trying to lose weight, one should always avoid unhealthy methods of weight loss, since it can damage the body. The most common method of bad to lose weight is to eat less. This is not entirely healthy and harm your body in the long term. Fame makes your metabolism slow, and after losing weight when you start to eat normally, it will become harder for your body to digest. Therefore the creation of a larger problem, where the body is not able to burn calories faster.

At the end will start gaining weight once again and will also suffer from vitamin deficiency. Following A diet, which has only carbohydrates or protein can also damage the body, since this can lead to vitamin and nutritional deficiencies. Fame can bring even worse looking streaks, which are impossible to get rid of. Botox Sheffield also will not be able to help you in this matter.

Exercise is the most effective technique and healthier to burn calories. You can both workout in the gym, or you can work privately. You can easily find online exercises can burn calories faster. Swimming and jumping are some of the best exercises to lose weight fast. I also like to run a lot. Can help you release a lot of stress. You can make running an interesting listen to your favorite music during the race. While the music is very good if you'd like to run fast, you can listen to some tracks lenses and enjoying a leisurely trot as well. Going for a jog with your dog can also be very funny.

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Personalize your weight loss plan for fast results!
Trusted and used by registered dietitians, the Personalized Weight Loss Planner makes it easy for you to create a weight loss plan tailored to your body and lifestyle! Quickly determine your ideal weight and daily calorie level based on your physiological profile. Then create your own fitness routine. The Weight Loss Planner will tabulate calories burned and weight lost, so you can build a program that's right for you.

Project your recommended weight loss timetable, or choose from 30-day, 60-day or 90-day weight loss plans. The Weight Loss Planner also includes extensive charting capabilities, so you can easily track changes in weight, blood pressure, pulse rate and more. Plus, extra mini-programs let you calculate everything from sugar calories to the effect of alcohol consumption on weight.

Additional charts, graphs, and mini-programs make it easy to learn more about your health o Quickly modify exercise routines and user profiles
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Thursday 31 March 2011

Liver and weight loss

March 04, 2010 posted by adminLiver and weight loss

Almost half of the world is trying to lose weight, and many are diet and exercise in the gym for the same. These are not bad options for losing weight. But there is another thing you can do to lose weight fast.

Cleansing your liver can make you lose weight faster. This is because the liver is six natural body to burn fat in your body and is responsible for detoxification of the body. Whenever your liver is full of toxic substances, which is highly possible in these days, it becomes very challenging for the liver burn fat. And, in such situations, the loss of weight becomes very difficult, regardless of what they are doing to lose weight.

Coffee enemas are very effective in cleaning the liver. You can also use enemas coffee with your existing methods of weight loss, and this can make a huge difference. You can use coffee enemas for a couple of weeks and start your weight loss process. Get some polo lessons can also help you lose weight.

You can use coffee enemas during fasting juice as well. In this way you can easily and safely detoxify the body while losing extra weight. You can easily lose up to ten pounds with a week of fruit juices and coffee enemas. It is also important to avoid all the weight you lost by regular restore a healthy diet. Some symptoms of detoxification normal experience of people who are new to fasting. So I know that it is not going to be the simplest path.

Keep yourself free from chemicals and have a diet closes nature will help your liver on a regular basis. Unnatural chemicals and processed foods are harmful to the liver. Add some green to your diet herms adjust to keep clean your liver.

FDA says weight loss medications containing HCG to fraud

February 4, 2010 posted by admin

Any woman wishing to lose weight, and who likes to try the recipes of Greek would be happy to learn of a drug that promises a loss of 2 pounds (a kilo) per day – and not be still hungry, tiredheadachy, bad tempered, or listless. Sounds like a miracle substance, but miracles do not happen in real life. The Federal Drug Administration in the United States researched different diet medications containing human chorionic gonadotropin (HGC) which are marketed as homeopathic drops, spray or pellets. These preparations are widely advertised and sold on the internet; but they are also available at pharmacies, drugstores and general food stores. These so-called medicines should be used while the dieter is a very restrictive diet of just 500 calories.

In its findings, the FDA reported that these medicines are fraudulent and illegal. The use of HCG in weight loss programs has been around for the last 60 years but, until recently, that the substance was injected by a physician. The sudden increase in new forms of delivery (drops, sprays and pellets) sold over the counter without a prescription and led the FDA to undertake research.

The results of the research study shows that these drugs do not in any way accelerate the weight loss and which claimed the actual weight loss diet is because of very limited of 500 calories. This was proved by the study group took placebo and the same diet-both groups lost an equal amount of weight. Although HGC cannot be hazardous to your health, and because it does not work as advertised, the claims made were found to be "fraud".

The FDA has also discovered that even if these drugs were labelled as homeopathic, Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia recognizes them and, as such, have been found to be not approved and therefore illegal.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Lifting weights helps weight loss

March 10, 2010 posted by adminWeight lifting helps weight loss

Misconceptions always seem to surround the weightlifting. Many people think that lifting weights is only for athletes and body builders. Women avoid totally strength training, fearing that you can earn a lot of mass and lose their female figure. Weightlifting is an integral part of the health and fitness programs, including losing weight more securely and keep it. The idea here is to build just about enough muscle. Weightlifting may also Fix hanging skin and this can help you with home laser hair removal.

Many people are ignorant of the fact that a person with strong muscles naturally burn more calories than usual. With building muscle you can increase the metabolic rate that will help you lose weight. Good amount of muscle also give stability to the joints. You can also benefit from the cardiovascular system during your workout with weights giving you extra energy.

When it comes to endurance training people tend to have many different goals. While men would build and shape their muscles, as women become more toned and would like to add gazes to their bodies. The good part here is that you can easily achieve both goals by using strength training. The key to this is the amount of weight that you choose and the number of repetitions that you make.

If you're looking to increase muscle mass, then you should try to increase the weight that you choose. Repetition does not matter much here; regular sets should be sufficient. But if you are trying to tone your body and don't want to gain weight then you have to use light weights and many repetitions as possible.

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Tuesday 29 March 2011

No magic Pills

February 4, 2010 posted by admin

Everyone today wants to look in good shape, it can be one under the age of fifty or over fifty years. Those who are thin work hard to gain some weight, and those who are fat are trying to lose some. I personally believe that those trying to lose weight are more. And this is something that people trying to make money quick thrive on. Try to identify a greater need and offer a quick solution and those who have money will buy it no matter what the cost, this is an easy way to get rich. Now the solution that you provide will not necessarily be a good one, but if you're going to make money off of it, then all you have to do is to advertise it well. It seems as if you keep repeating a lie clearly at some point of time that might sound like the truth.

The problem here is not that some people foolishly are making money or not even that some are pulling a fast one and make money fast. The problem is that it's become a part of our global society to seek a quick solution to an immediate improvement of the problem, rather than trying to eradicate the real situation. For example, I know a friend of mine who started fasting for several days to lose weight. Now she did lose some weight for sure, but of no use. As everything that had lost she gained it back within a few days, the reason she had limited her to eat for some time, but she never altered his habit of eating. Other wise the only real solution would be the only real liposuction ' magic pill ' especaily well, if you dig scars!

The basic requirement for losing weight is to bring a change in lifestyle. If you eat all day and then eat in the night for the whole day and then just sleeping outside, might not be the answer to your problems. You do not need a pill to lose weight; all you have to do is to fix your time to eat. If you need to sit on a Chair and work on a computer as a part of your job then I think you need to find a way to bring in some physical activity. Now, this could be in the form of a gym or running. Personally I enjoyed going to the gym and I find jogging very tedious as well. But fortunately I discovered that I love swimming. And this worked fine for me. Just find out what you like and start to do so, even if it costs a bit. At the end of the day you can buy pills for everything, but no pill you can ensure health.

Weight loss program of HCG is effective and should be used?

March 24, 2010 posted by admin

This revision of the plan to burn fat HCG offers you a updated review precisely what is actually HCG, and just as could possibly impact on your daily diet. Men and women who are trying to lose weight easily and successfully frequently search for diet different programs that accelerate the progression of fat reduction. That said, is a plan really the best way to burn fat HCG? And have you considered the controversy? Let's check it out:

What exactly is the fat burning plan HCG?

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone that really is a expecting mothers make around 9 months of pregnancy and gestation. This particular hormone is based on particular glycoprotein and its key objective is actually to help your child along with providing nourishment during every stage of growth.

Because the hormone HCG work using mother's fatty tissues to obtain nutritional requirements and offer this for the growth of the child, you will find that it helps regulate body weight (FAT). This process is recognized as the basis for its function with fat loss and weight control.

Who can apply HCG?

Both males and females may acquire HCG in fluid form to implement within their dietary regime.

HCG actually will do the job?

For many, indeed. Much like other food and fat loss plans, excess should consist of several important elements: a lesser amount of food + exercise more = shed your unwanted weight.

When you include HCG may find that it helps you to drop as much as 1 or maybe 1/2 pounds in a couple of days.

How Come the HCG marked by controversy?

Increasingly, HCG has been applied with other anabolic steroids. It can be identified within lists of specific sports ' unlawful drug that you find with a hair drug test to be considered as a general trend to increase the drug.

Know your options more effective?

Using a revision of the plan to burn fat HCG can help push you on healthier. What is a much better choice? This is actually the most critical and want also what in my opinion that should be taken into account for the reduction of weight.

Shed fat and also keep the easiest way is to incorporate the habits of consumer durables and manageable, as well as the physical fitness program you can stick with it economic and even satisfying.

Monday 28 March 2011

Weight loss is not rocket science

February 28, 2010 posted by adminWeight loss is not rocket science

Weight loss is easy, it's not rocket science. Contrary to popular view, motivation and determination we can help you reach your goal. Often people are unable to overcome the problems of loss of weight due to lack of consistency and killer instinct to lose weight. Do not follow their diet plan seriously and cheat on it.

When the diet plan does not give results, we stop halfway. A diet plan ineffective will not lead never followed any significant results. It will only making you frustrated and discouraged.

The goal is to burn more calories than consumed. This can be done only by limiting your calorie intake and exercise more. You can start taking on a diet plan that best fits your body. While choosing your diet program to analyze and compare them and choose the one that works best for you. Your diet should help you host your favorite food in moderation and not deprive you from food. Enjoy your diet plan because if you will be more like a chore you want to avoid. Include more fiber from green vegetables, drink herbal tea, skim milk and Multigrain Bread. Hovis Bakery makes some of the best Multigrain Bread. Increase the supply of water, this will help you get rid of stored water weight and increase the rate of metabolism. Drinking cold water helps accelerate metabolic activity.

Then choose an exercise plan to go with your diet. It is better to have a daily exercise routine, even if they are 15-30 minutes per day. Sticking to your plan exercise five days a week will help you achieve your goal set. You can make fashion aerobic cardiovascular exercises to lose weight and build muscles.

Just leave your determination to keep going and you will reach your goal!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Why eating Nuts helps with weight loss


Many people leave nuts out of their eating disorders level, when you try to lose, because they think they are too high in calories. However, this is a big mistake.

It is obvious nuts are high in calories, but studies show that those who eat nuts regularly tend to have a lower BMI in comparison with those who do not.

In a study published in Journal of American College of Nutrition, told 81 healthy adults to supplement their diet with almonds each day (320 calories worth); no further instructions on food intake was. After six months increased average body weight of only 0.57 kg.

Another study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, looked at 20 healthy, overweight women who were given 65 grams almonds 10 weeks. Weight gain was predicted, but instead went their weights on average from 155.9 pound to 154.6 pounds. The researchers concluded that a daily (340 calorie) notification almonds can be included in the diet with limited risk of weight gain

It seems so clearly the effects of nut consumption on weight is negligible, or not existing.

Also, remember that in these studies participants was not on any kind of diet. They simply added nuts to their normal way to eat.

Another study, published in International Journal of obesity related Metabolic Disorders, looked at 65 is overweight or obese individuals and compared the effect of adding 84 g almonds per day, verse self-selected complex carbs. They found that the Almond-enriched, low calorie diet will lead to greater reductions in body weight, BMI, waist circumference and fat mass.

The evidence is pretty compelling propose nuts can and should be included in your regular or weight loss diet, without fear of, the heavy weight.

1. The Nuts is satisfactory
When you eat nuts your appetite is reduced, and this means a reduction in energy intake of subsequent meals in the course of a day.

2. Not all fat is absorbed
Not all of the fat contained in nuts is effectively absorbed by the intestine. It is proposed that up to 20 percent of the lipid content of nuts will be lost in the stool, which is about 10-20 percent of the energy contained in nuts.

3. Nuts stimulate metabolism
Some studies indicate that nuts may increase metabolic rate by more than 10 percent.

To think of weight loss which just calories in, calories out is a gross simplification of reality. And when you focus too much on the calorie intake, if often leads to a low calorie diet, which not necessarily healthy (e.g. so-called "diet" foods). Also these foods do not meet your appetite, which means that you are always hungry, and therefore yo-yo dieting is inevitable.

The key with add nuts to your diet is to eat them instead of the rather than in addition to less nutritious foods that you can already eat.

So, rather than binging on carb-heavy snacks between meals, go for a handful of raw, unsalted nuts, and not feel guilty about it.

The number nuts of in a 1 oz (30 g) serving:

Almonds: 20-24Brazil nuts: 6-8Cashews: 16: 18-18Hazelnuts-20Pecans: 18-20 (halves) Pine Nuts: 150-157Pistachios: 45-47Walnuts: 8-11

Image source: Egahen

The 17 Day Diet: A Doctor's Plan Designed for Rapid Results

The 17 Day Diet: A Doctor's Plan Designed for Rapid ResultsIf you need to shed pounds fast and in a safe and effective way, this book is for you! Unlike many diet programs that starve you down to size, Dr. Mike Moreno's 17 Day Diet relies on proven methods to help you take the weight off and keep it off. His revolutionary program adjusts your body metabolically so that you burn fat, day in and day out. Each 17 day Cycle "Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive" changes your calorie count and the foods you eat. This variation that Dr. Mike coined as "body confusion" keeps your metabolism guessing, and you can expect to lose up to 10 to 12 pounds in the first 17 days! As an added bonus, the 17 Day Diet includes sample meal plans and a recipe section filled with tasty, easy and healthy food options. Whether you need to lose those last 10 pounds or drop 10 dress sizes, the 17 Day Diet is the perfect jump-start to a healthier, thinner you!

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Poll: Gorilla diet anyone?

the-gorilla-diet.jpgWe can learn a lot of our furry friends and perhaps they can teach us to lose as well.

Two gorillas in Cleveland Zoo just finished a year long diet, enabled them to lose 65 pounds and they spent more than half of their watchful hours eating!

In captivity is the number one killer of lowland gorillas heart disease because of sugary biscuits and high starch food are captive gorillas are fed. In fact, they become so dependent on sugar, as the Olelo up sweet biscuits just so they can eat them a second time!

Cleveland Zoo began feeding their Gorilla couple nothing but a full of romaine lettuce, dandelion Greens, Endive, alfalfa hay, young tree branches, Green beans, a handful of flax seed and a banana laced with multivitamins daily wheelbarrow.

After a year on this diet gorillærne each lost 65 pounds and is now a similar weight to gorillas in the wild.

What this says about our Western diet and our obsession with sweet and with content of starch foods? Participate in comments and poll below.


People should adopt a gorilla diet?

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Liver and weight loss

March 04, 2010 posted by adminLiver and weight loss

Almost half of the world is trying to lose weight, and many are diet and exercise in the gym for the same. These are not bad options for losing weight. But there is another thing you can do to lose weight fast.

Cleansing your liver can make you lose weight faster. This is because the liver is six natural body to burn fat in your body and is responsible for detoxification of the body. Whenever your liver is full of toxic substances, which is highly possible in these days, it becomes very challenging for the liver burn fat. And, in such situations, the loss of weight becomes very difficult, regardless of what they are doing to lose weight.

Coffee enemas are very effective in cleaning the liver. You can also use enemas coffee with your existing methods of weight loss, and this can make a huge difference. You can use coffee enemas for a couple of weeks and start your weight loss process. Get some polo lessons can also help you lose weight.

You can use coffee enemas during fasting juice as well. In this way you can easily and safely detoxify the body while losing extra weight. You can easily lose up to ten pounds with a week of fruit juices and coffee enemas. It is also important to avoid all the weight you lost by regular restore a healthy diet. Some symptoms of detoxification normal experience of people who are new to fasting. So I know that it is not going to be the simplest path.

Keep yourself free from chemicals and have a diet closes nature will help your liver on a regular basis. Unnatural chemicals and processed foods are harmful to the liver. Add some green to your diet herms adjust to keep clean your liver.

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Saturday 19 February 2011

I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD)

I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD)Brand new HC

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10 Psychological reasons why most diets fail


6a00d8341e628453ef00e54f131c3d8833-800wiDiets can be tough to keep up with, but maybe the problem isn’t you. There are many psychological reasons why most diets fail. Studies show that the idea of dieting sets us up for failure because it tricks the mind into thinking certain things are off-limits, thus triggering the desire for these things.

Among them milkshakes, pizza and other foods heavy in carbohydrates or sugar. When you’re trying to stay on track, remember these reasons why you’re likely to vere off course.

1. Diets deprive you. Unless you are making a complete lifestyle change, the initial stages of dieting feel like deprivation. You can’t have something, which for most of us, makes us crave that thing even more than we would if we were just allowing ourselves to eat normally. If you’re eating normal, you may have a square (or three) of chocolate. The day you decide to diet, you suddenly need an entire chocolate bar, plus a cookie. The deprivation kicks in and you end up making you crave the wrong foods and making poor choices.

2. Diets aren’t sustainable. Most people are yo-yo dieters. There’s a reason for this. Diets aren’t sustainable unless you are overhauling to change the ways you eat. Eating food you don’t like, food that doesn’t satisfy your hunger and not enough calories all lead to a diet going haywire. Diets are not sustainable for real life. If you have to drop pounds for a wedding, a diet may work. The meal plan, no snacking in the day and no eating after 7pm will work to drop the weight during crunch time, but unless you’re Jennifer Aniston and your career depends on your looks (and you’re being paid millions), there’s no way you’ll keep up with such antics.

3. You want instant results. We live in an age where instant gratification is the drug of choice. This has always been the case for dieters. The minute we make changes to our diet, no matter how large or small, we want to see the difference. Cutting back on the carbs will flatten your tummy, but the minute you start consuming a regular amount of bread or pasta, it will show. This makes it tough to stick with a diet for a long duration of time. Undergoing a lifestyle change that revolves around healthy food will lead to weight loss that may be slower, but will stick around long after those who follow diets have gained back the weight.

4. You aren’t losing fast enough. Maybe you get past the instant gratification phase of dieting. For some, the weight does start to drop off easily, especially if the person is young or exercising in addition to dieting. Still, even with initial success, many dieters feel they don’t lose fast enough. Making progress little by little isn’t enough, which goes against the success stories of weight loss. For sustainable weight loss, you should lose no more than 1-2 pounds a week. Unfortunately with shows like Biggest Loser boasting 7-10 pounds lost in a week, many dieters expect drastic results and quit before they’ve even given a lifestyle change a real chance.

5. You feel you can’t keep up with a healthy diet when outside of the house. In America, food is a huge part of socializing. Nearly every place we visit for fun has food available, from amusement parks to the movies. It isn’t that food is available, the problem lies in the type of food that’s available. Food that’s full of fat and sugar is available at every corner and dieters feel they can’t battle the treats when they aren’t at home.

This makes it difficult to spend time with family and friends and attend events. Dieters tend to ban restaurants from their meals, so when it’s time to celebrate grandma’s birthday at local Italian place, all healthy eating habits go out the shop window. Dieters decide to splurge for this outing and end up quitting their diets because they feel they’ve failed.

6. You don’t allow yourself mistakes. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to stop looking at an indulgent meal as a mistake or strike against your diet. You are human and bound to want a brownie or bowl of cheesy pasta every now and then. Food is to be enjoyed in moderation.

This is the key to keeping a healthy weight is to enjoy it in moderate quantities and to work in plenty of healthy foods that serve a purpose, such as fiber which keeps you full and your digestive system on track or salmon, which promotes collagen production and is packed with omega 3 fatty acids (the good fat).

7. You go in with an all or none attitude. This is a psychology that many of us use when starting a diet. We’re excited, our fridge is stocked with healthy food and the goal weight is in mind. While it’s great to be enthusiastic, it’s imperative you’re realistic about your weight loss and how fast it will happen.

Often when we go in with an all or none attitude, we end up setting ourselves up to fail. It is far smarter to make moderate changes to your diet and adjust to them little by little in order to create healthy eating habits.

8. Your last diet failed. Maybe your last diet failed. Maybe your last 10 diets failed. This can be a deterrence from trying to get fit and on track with a healthy lifestyle. You feel you’ve tried every diet out there, you’ve tried to change your eating habits and you’ve never succeeded or kept the weight off.

Psychologically, this can do a lot of damage to your success of building a healthy way of living. Forget the past and move on to working on yourself in a sustainable way that will result in a healthier you.

9. You aren’t sure how to make a real lifestyle change. Diets don’t work for everyone, but a healthy lifestyle does. Whether you’re young or old, making better choices when it comes to what goes in your body will benefit many parts of your healthy, including your waistline. If you aren’t sure how to make a real lifestyle change, you are likely to make mistakes that will lead you off track from the diet.

Do your research and be prepared to make a few mistakes, but don’t be afraid to get back on the wagon. Remember you’re making changes to your diet to lose weight, but also to reduce your chances of heart disease and diabetes.

10. You feel self-conscious when dieting. You might want to change your diet, but are afraid of the people around you constantly asking, “Are you dieting?” It’s an annoying question, but learn to deal with it if you’re going to make a lifestyle change. Depending on where you live, you may be sized up as “the healthy one,” but it’s a title you want to embrace. Don’t feel the need to lose weight quickly or give dieting tips to others.

Focus on yourself, your goals and creating healthy eating habits you can sustain in the long run. More and more people want to get healthy, so you may just inspire family members or colleagues .

There’s a reason diets don’t work for keeping the weight off in the long haul. For all of the books, online resources and weekly meetings aimed at various diet programs, only a true lifestyle change can help you get fit and keep the pounds off. It may take a few tries, but once you start to examine your meals as fuel for your body, you will eventually make wise choices that will give you energy without packing on weight.

Source for this post comes from Masters In Psychology“>

The Firm - Total Body: Low Impact Aerobics [VHS]

The Firm - Total Body: Low Impact Aerobics [VHS]This video misrepresents itself. Although the title is Low Impact Aerobics, it is not low impact. The cardio intervals include jogging, jumping jacks, and other moves with hops. This is a 65-minute reissue of a 1988 video that features Janet Jones-Gretzky, who is so slim that you can count her ribs through her white leotard, leading a class of fit, gorgeous exercisers (female and male). This aerobic interval workout combines fast cardio (no patterns) with more controlled cardio plus weights, though still at a fast pace. We've learned a lot about exercise since 1988, and these two-second reps with weights are not as effective as slower reps. They are also more likely to lead to injury. Although the video is targeted to all levels, unless you're an experienced exerciser, it's too easy to lose correct form when you're doing such fast reps and aerobic moves at the same time. You might find the weight intervals repetitious (tons of lunges and shoulder presses). A floor-work segment uses ankle weights, followed by a stretch. Unless you miss the old Firm workouts, choose one that is more up to date (and therefore safer and more effective). --Joan Price

Price: $14.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday 15 February 2011


POWERSTRIKE KICKBOXING Vol. 6Back by Popular Demand, Ilaria and her team of Instructors will take you through an all new heart pumping Powerstrike Kickboxing workout!
This intense cardiovascular DVD, based on martial art basic and advanced techniques, will get you fit and in awesome shape allowing you to maintain a target heart rate zone throughout 90% of the workout.
With a whole new series of punching and kicking drills, Ilaria will guide you through her current routines, as always instructing proper form for each move and exercise. You will learn how to execute the typical non-stop flow of strikes with correct technique and to enjoy the fast pace of the workout.
Highly motivating and easy to follow with Ilaria's personal guided instructions, Powerstrike Kickboxing vol. 6 is safe and highly effective.
Come sweat with Team Powerstrike and get fit, lean and sexy!

Ilaria Montagnani: voted "Best Female presenter 2010" - ECA -


Click here to buy from Amazon

Bazoongi Kids 7.5' Trampoline with Enclosure

Bazoongi Kids 7.5' Trampoline with EnclosureNothing beats the rush your kid will feel as they soar up and down on this exciting and safe enclosed trampoline from Bazoongi Kids. Solidly built, this trampoline sports 42 size 5.5 inch galvanized springs, an easy to assemble unique toprail system, a rust resistant galvanized steel frame, W-shaped legs and reinforced sockets for stability, an oversized frame pad which includes mounting straps, and a unique over and under spring design to equalize frame torque and provide a softer bounce. As an added safety measure Bazoongi Kids has added a galvanized steel frame with premium mesh and foam padded poles, creating a fun jumping environment without limiting visibility. And to help stimulate their imagination the trampoline comes optional with two different styles of tent; one simulating a circus atmosphere and the other a treehouse high in the sky. Every kid dreams of having a trampoline, and now you can provide them with hours and hours of fantastic thrills! Bazoongi Trampolines focus on the latest advances in American trampoline design and engineering, at very affordable prices. Bazoongi uses quality materials and superior craftsmanship to create long-lasting products that kids will outgrow, not wear out.

Price: $384.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting (Animal Kingdom Workouts)

Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting (Animal Kingdom Workouts)Diets don't work. Studies have shown that only 5 percent of people who go on a diet are able to keep the weight off for more than a year. Yet even with this 95 percent failure rate the weight loss industry continues to flood the market with new diets and useless gimmicks. What's the secret to true, long lasting weight loss? The key is to focus on your habits as they relate to food, not dieting. Unlike animals in nature, human beings acquire a whole host of unnatural habits related to food without even realizing it. By changing these habits, most of which you are probably not even aware off, you can start to lose weight naturally and easily. Get off the Diet roller coaster and start losing weight WITHOUT dieting today! Now updated with many natural bodyweight exercises that can help anyone burn fat and build muscle. To learn more about this course as well as others related to natural fitness and health (not to mention special deals!) visit to learn more.

Price: $0.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Logitech G27 Racing Wheel

Logitech G27 Racing WheelDual-motor force feedback makes you feel closer than ever to the world's greatest circuits.

Sliding around a gravelly curve or screaming through Monaco, dual-motor force feedback and a six-speed shifter make the world's greatest circuits feel closer than ever.

Dual-motor force feedback
You'll experience traction loss, weight shift, and road feel recreated smoothly and accurately. Helical gearing provides the exceptionally quiet steering action.Force feedback - You can really feel it.

Six-speed shifter
You can quickly select exactly the right gear for the turn or the straightaway. The push-down reverse gear lets you back up realistically.Serious about sim games? Learn how Logitech peripherals make sim games more real.

RPM/shift indicator LEDs
Keeping an eye on the indicator panel lets you know just when to shift gears for maximum torque (in supported games).

Hand-stitched leather
The 11-inch wheel is wrapped in real leather to help keep your hands comfortable from the start line to the checkered flag.

Steel gas, brake, and clutch pedals
Sturdy true-to-life pedals deliver precise throttle, braking, and shifting control for heightened realism.

900-degree wheel rotation
You can go 2.5 times around lock to lock-just as you would behind the wheel of many real cars.

16 programmable buttons plus D-pad
You can map useful game functions to locations that make sense to you-whether on the wheel itself or on the shift module.

Custom tuned for popular games
There are no dead zones or lag, so you'll see and feel every bit of wheel movement reflected in-game.

Optical encoding
You'll enjoy reliable and accurate handling race after race after race.

Carpet grip system
Retractable teeth flip down to keep the pedals from sliding around on carpeting.

Steel ball bearings
Two sets of solid steel ball bearings support the wheel

Price: $299.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Silent Feet - Anti-vibration Pads for Washing Machines and Dryers (Gen 2)

Silent Feet - Anti-vibration Pads for Washing Machines and Dryers (Gen 2)Silent Feet are the most advanced and effective appliance anti-vibration pad available. Using cutting edge space-age technology they absorb vibrations caused by appliances and limit vibration transmission to the structure of your home. This reduces noise and structural damage caused by these vibrations. These new 2nd generation pads feature a new dual material vibration isolation system that reduces even more vibration compared to our previous products. They have also been redesigned to offer a more modern and stylish finish while also adding durability. The same great product is now even better.

Silent Feet use patented Sorbothane polymers which are also used by NASA, the U.S. Military and NASCAR. Their unique design fits all washing machines and most other appliances. They also protect floors from scratches and scuff marks.

Made in the USA.


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Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Anti Cellulite Capris

Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Anti Cellulite CaprisYou asked for them, now they are here! Bio-Ceramic lined Delfin Spa Capris. They contain a comfortable elastic waistband, Ipod/phone pocket on one side and Delfin Spa logo on the other. Leg openings with velco closure for greater comfort/fit. Bio Ceramic material in these capris both generates Far Infrared Rays (FIR) and reflects your body's own FAR infrared rays. "FAR" relates to the size of the wavelength and Infrared is the part of the light spectrum that generates heat. The primary benefit of these rays is to help to break down cellulite cells, improve circulation and revitalize tissue. Increased heat and molecular stimulation enhances the effectiveness of exercise, increases blood flow, and accelerates metabolism to burn more calories. Bio Ceramic shorts also improve the effectiveness of anti-cellulite cream by assisting its penetration deep into skin layers. Capris are a great option to wear during aerobics, yoga or any other exercise activity. Bio Ceramic capris feature 1.5mm neoprene with soft nylon lining. The capris are contoured to fit snuggly and contain an anti-microbial additive to reduce bacteria build-up. Hand washable. Sizing: X-SMALL: 33-37" hips, 22-26" waist, length 31.5''. SMALL: 36-40" hips, 25-29" waist, length 32''. MEDIUM: 39-43" hips, 28-32" waist, length 32.5''. LARGE: 42-46" hips, 31-35" waist, length 33''. X-LARGE: 45-49" hips, 34-38" waist, length 33.5''. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN INCHES.


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Monday 14 February 2011

O2 Innovations Personal Oxygen Bar (Includes Headset, Storage Cover, Extra Filters and Manual)

O2 Innovations Personal Oxygen Bar  (Includes Headset, Storage Cover, Extra Filters and Manual)This Portable Oxygen Bar filters dust and delivers 40% (+/- 2%) oxygen enriched air with quiet operation,
sleek design and is user-friendly. This Unit provides the highest oxygen output of any non-medical personal
oxygen concentrator.

Comes with 6 Spa CD's, 1 Aromatherapy 30ml blend, owner's manual.

Light weight and portable. Comes with built in 10, 20 and 30 minute timer.

State-of-the-art headset & 5 nose hoses. FREE additional air intake filter.

FREE protective cover. 10 Day Money Back Guarantee (less S&H). 1 Year Limited Warranty. Extended Warranty available.

Listed by Underwriters Laboratory. Technical support available.

Oxygen is vital to your immune system, memory, thinking and sight. Promotes healing and counteracts aging.

Frequently Asked Questions: What is this? This is an oxygen bar. This oxygen bar dispenses 40/% oxygen enriched air with optional aromatherapy - double what you breathe in fresh country air.

How much oxygen is in the air we normally breathe? About 19% - 21%.

How am I supposed to feel or what will this do for me? This oxygen bar combines oxygen enriched air with elements

of aromatherapy for an uplifting, energetic, refreshing and positive experience.

How long should a session last? A 30-minute oxygen session is an optimum session. A 10-minute session will give

you the beginning effects. Is this medical oxygen? No. Medical oxygen is 100% pure oxygen and you must have a

license to dispense and a prescription to receive.
Disclaimer: Oxygen bar personnel are prohibited from making any specific claims as to the benefits of inhaling pure oxygen. This is recreational oxygen only and is not a cure nor is it meant to address or treat diseases and or any medical problems of any kind. None of these statements have been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Price: $599.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Vita Coco 100% Pure Coconut Water, 11.2-Ounce Containers (Pack of 12)

Craving a healthy, delicious all-natural boost? Take a hydration vacation from sugary sodas and sports drinks with Vita Coco 100% Pure Coconut Water. (No bikini required!) Made with the pure coconut water taken from young, green coconuts harvested in the north of Brazil, and naturally full of potassium and four other essential electrolytes to enhance the hydration process, this fresh, clean-tasting beverage will help replenish your body as it quenches your thirst.

Explore the Full Line of VitaCoco Flavors

100 % Pure Coconut Water

  • 11.2 oz. Tetra Pak
  • 17 oz. Resealable Bottle
  • 34 oz. Resealable Bottle

Açai and Pomegranate

  • 11.2 oz. Tetra Pak
  • 17 oz. Resealable Bottle


  • 11.2 oz. Tetra Pak
  • 17 oz. Resealable Bottle

Peach & Mango

  • 11.2 oz. Tetra Pak
  • 17 oz. Resealable Bottle


  • 11.2 oz. Tetra Pak
  • 17 oz. Resealable Bottle

Passion Fruit

  • 11.2 oz. Tetra Pak

Variety Pack

  • 11.2 oz. Tetra Pak

The Beauty of One Ingredient: Coconut Water
Vita Coco is about hydration, and hydration is important no matter what you do. So while other beverages claim to be the before-, during-, and after-sports hydrator, Vita Coco is the hydrator made without added sugars, artificial sweeteners, or pick-me-ups.

In fact, the beauty of Vita Coco is that it's made with 100% pure coconut water from young, green Brazilian coconuts.

The coconuts that are used to make Vita Coco drinks are young, green coconuts -- each one cracked by hand -- from northern Brazil that have an average age of about seven months, which is the best age to extract coconut water because it's still fat-free.

Hydrate Naturally with Five Essential Electrolytes
Sure, you may not be a marathon runner, a football player or Tour de France winner, but your every day life is hectic enough--you should be hydrated while you live it. Go ahead, get hydrated and remember that life is a sport!

Loaded with the five essential electrolytes that your body craves -- including potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous -- Vita Coco has what it takes to keep you hydrated and refreshed throughout your busy day.

In fact, each serving of Vita Coco has more electrolytes and 15 times more potassium than the leading sports drink, and more potassium than two bananas (about 700 mg of potassium is in each 11.2-ounce serving size). These electrolytes work to keep the body cool, help boost poor circulation, replenish your body's fluids after exercising, and aid in the detoxification process while boosting your immune system.

This cholesterol- free, fat- free and pucker-free drink can also help soothe an upset stomach, and when paired with a healthy diet, it can even promote weight loss. All this from a single, natural ingredient, and without any artificial sweeteners or added sugars.

11.2-Ounce Tetra Pak with Peel-Away Opening
The perfect solution for an on-the-go lifestyle, the 11.2-ounce Tetra Paks give you just the right amount of Vita Coco to get you through your next task. A convenient peel-away opening makes it easier than ever to access the great taste and benefits of Vita Coco wherever you go.

What's in the Box
Pack of 12 11.2-ounce Tetra Paks of pure coconut water (134 Total Ounces).

The Vita Coco Story
One evening in a Manhattan bar in February 2003, childhood friends, Ira Liran and Michael Kirban, were speaking with a couple of girls they had just met from Brazil. When asked what they missed most about their country, one of the girls, without hesitation, answered "agua de coco." Coconut water, she explained, is the most nutritious and delicious drink in the world.

The rest, as they say, is history. Two years later, the two successfully brought Vita Coco to market in a handful of stores along the East Coast. Since that fateful night in Soho in 2003, Vita Coco has not only carved a new market in the non-carbonated beverage business and redefined the alternative sports beverage category, but has also created the one of the fastest growing lifestyle beverages in North America. Now available in over 10,000 retail stores nationally, Vita Coco is a major beverage brand with a cult-like brand loyalty.

Price: $24.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread, 3.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 5)

GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread, 3.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 5)The Appetite control cracker GG Scandinavian bran crispbread has the highest dietary fiber and is an all natural traditionally baked Scandinavian crispbread. At just 12 calories a slice and 2g net carbs, GG is ideal for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy body weight. Suitable for diabetics and a certified low GI food/ Kosher.

Price: $17.45

Click here to buy from Amazon

Skechers Women's Shape Ups-Stability Fitness Workout Sneaker

Shape Ups from SKECHERS are designed to get you fit while you walk, work, shop, and more. Shape Ups have as much a place in your life as your boots, sandals, and dress casuals, and can retrain your muscles, helping you walk with a positive impact. Used properly, Shape Ups change the way you approach your daily activities. Used regularly, Shape Ups will enhance the way you feel and look; muscles get toned, calories are burned and your posture improves.

Shape Ups are designed to:

  • Promote weight loss
  • Strengthen the back
  • Firm calf and buttock muscles
  • Reduce cellulite and tone your thighs
  • Increase cardiovascular health
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce stress on knee and ankle joints

Three Reasons You Need Shape Ups:

1. Stronger You
Shape Ups are designed to help you tone your muscles – from your back and abdomen to your buttocks and calves.

2. Healthier You
Shape Ups will help you lose weight and improve your circulation, creating a healthier you!

3. Easy Exercise Routine
Wear your Shape Ups everywhere and anywhere you walk (or stand), and your body will feel the benefits.

Three Reasons You Want Them:

1. In Style
Look good while getting fit. There’s no reason to ruin your outfit with unattractive footwear that’s a fashion don’t! In your Shape Ups, your style will still be right on as you power through your everyday life.

2. Portable Power
Shape Ups are the ideal fitness equipment for the on-the-go, busy lifestyle. Wear them to and from the office, pack them in your suitcase, or keep them in your car for shopping trips. They are portable power in a small package.

3. A Brand You Trust
There’s a lot to be said about familiarity and credibility. When buying SKECHERS, you know you are getting style and quality at a reasonable price. We’re a company you’ve trusted for more than 15 years.

The design technology behind Shape Ups changes the way you walk.
As we move through our lives, we typically walk on hard surfaces, which places stress on our knee joints and lower back. People who are required to stand for their jobs feel the impact on their bodies the most, and don’t gain the benefits that come with all that activity.

The goal with Shape Ups was to simulate walking on soft ground. SKECHERS has turned hard surfaces into comfortable ground through revolutionary technology designed into the framework of the shoe. The core of this technology is in the dynamic rolling bottom, the soft foam insert under the heel, and the dual-density midsole. These three elements work together to give you the feeling of walking on sand or luxurious pile carpet--regardless of the actual surface. Walking on softer, uneven surfaces forces you to engage muscles not normally used when walking on hard ground. Not only does this strengthen your muscles, but it also increases blood flow and reduces the impact on your joints and lower back.

Designed to improve your life by changing the way you walk, Shape Ups feature a unique soft kinetic wedge insert and dynamic rolling bottom to simulate walking barefoot on a giving surface that gives such as sand. With the comfort of Shape Ups, you will feel your heel sink to the ground as you step, roll forward as your weight shifts to its center, and push off with your toes. This movement will result in stronger leg, buttock, back and abdominal muscles as you stabilize your steps.


Barefoot walking simulation on soft ground

  • The heel sinks comfortably into the soft ground as you step
  • You naturally roll forward as your weight shifts to the center and your balance is centered
  • Easily push off with your toe pads
Due to this unconventional manner of walking, we suggest you moderate your walking routine in Shape Ups for the first week or two (25 to 45 minutes per day), depending on your level of fitness. As you continue to wear your Shape Ups, your body will adjust to this new method of walking. You will find it easy and comfortable while still enjoying the strengthening and cardiovascular benefits.
Shape ups walking diagram

Get in the Routine

1. Kick Back: Stand upright and place feet parallel and hip distance apart, balance centered. Roll your weight onto the back of the soft foam heel – hold for a count of five and then back to the center. Do not lock knees or tip backward. Stretches calf and hamstrings. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

2. Rock and Roll: Stand upright and place feet parallel and hip distance apart, balance centered. Roll your weight forward so you are balancing on the underside of your toes – hold for a count of two, then slowly rock back to the soft heel – hold for a count of two, and then back to your center of balance. Do not lock knees or tip backward. Stretches calf and hamstrings, warms up Achilles and ankles. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

3. Roll and Rock and Roll: Follow the Rock and Roll stretch, but alternate feet so one is rolling to the toes and one is rocking back. Repeat 5 to 6 times.

4. The Lean: Place your hands on a wall, parallel and slightly above your head. With one leg in front of the other and your arms forward, press with your palms as if you were leaning on the wall. Keep your back leg straight and your front foot on the floor, then bend the front leg and lean forward by moving your hips toward the wall. Hold for a count of five, then repeat on the other side. Stretches calf and Achilles. Repeat 5 to 6 times.

What's Inside Shape Ups?
  • Upper: Superior quality, well padded uppers of durable leather and breathable mesh designed to provide needed support and supreme comfort.

  • Sockliner: Soft EVA insole designed to protect the foot.

  • Midsole: Firm polyurethane frame designed to support and stabilize the foot.

  • Kinetic Wedge: Super soft foam designed for maximum
    shock absorption to protect the body while exercising core muscles.

  • Outsole: Long-lasting rubber outsole designed to contribute to
    biomechanical motion vital to a natural walking state by propelling the wearer into their next step.
  • Price: $100.00

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat after Forty

    Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat after FortyWhat If Your Weight Wasn’t Your Fault?
    If you are like most, you have tried to find an easy, enjoyable, permanent weight loss solution. One that doesn’t make you give up too many of your favorite foods, have you working out like a maniac, and won’t fail you in the long run. But long-term success is awfully hard if you don’t address the hidden culprit behind the excess fat we carry: the toxic burden our bodies have accumulated. Â Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ 
     Â  Whether you have just a few pounds to lose or are battling more, this new plan from health pioneer Suzanne Somers will give you the knowledge you need to easily combat these toxins and become slim, vibrant, healthy, and sexy . . . forever.
    Within the pages of Sexy Forever you will discover:
    Thousands of FDA-approved chemicals and toxins surrounding us every day that sabotage our health and weightâ??and how to conquer these enemies.
    A simple-to-follow three-phase weight loss program, filled with rich, delicious foods. Plus, a special Detox Phase that has been designed to release your toxic burden and blast off those firstâ??or last fewâ??pounds.
    All-new delicious recipes, with menus for fabulous eating every day.
    A moderate (hint: fast and easy!) exercise program to keep you fit and healthy.
    Ways to jump-start your success: cutting-edge, natural tools and products to make every step of the plan faster, easier, and more convenient. Includes amazing supplements and weight loss products to help catapult your success.
    A simple test that could unlock the hidden secret to your personal food demonsâ??food sensitivities or intolerances that could silently be keeping you overweight or even chronically ill.
    How to achieve natural hormonal balance: the missing ingredient for every person over forty that must be added to make any plan successful.
    An all-access pass to revered doctors, experts, and nutritionists who helped Suzanne craft the plan.
    Stay the course and you’ll be on the path to regaining the vibrant health you were born to have.
    Sexy Forever is your ticket there.

    Price: $25.99

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies [VHS]

    Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies [VHS]Richard Simmons is the king of motivational exercise, especially if you're a beginner. This video workout is a dance party simulating a class reunion, with an energizing live band playing lively hits from the '50s and '60s, such as "It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To," "Great Balls of Fire," and "Dancing in the Streets." The singers and musicians sometimes come offstage and dance with the exercisers, adding to the energy and festivity. The choreography is very simple, low impact, light intensity, and appropriate for beginners and overweight exercisers. (You may not get your heart rate up if you're very fit, although you'll enjoy the music.) Richard doesn't do much in the way of cueing--he assumes you'll just follow along. His onscreen class has women and men of all body shapes and sizes, and everyone is having a blast. You will, too. At the end, the exercisers dance down the floor and the screen flashes how many pounds they've lost--several have lost more than 100 pounds. (22 minutes of aerobics, total 43 minutes with warm-up, cool down, and stretch.) --Joan Price

    Price: $9.98

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Sunday 13 February 2011

    Sennheiser PC 151 Binaural Headset with Noise-Canceling Microphone & Volume Control

    Sennheiser  PC 151 Binaural Headset with Noise-Canceling Microphone & Volume ControlSennheiser PC151 Stereo Headset Real 3D Sound For Extreme Gaming The PC 151 Stereo headset provides ultimate real-life sound to make it seem like your sitting right in the middle of the action. These great headphones have an adjustable headband, to fit perfectly regardless of head size. The Sennheiser PC151 Stereo headset also incorporates a noise-canceling microphone into the design. Keep in touch with friends while gaming, or even issue voice commands. The noise canceling technology provides high speech clarity and voice recognition because of advanced sound filtering. The Sennheiser PC151 Stereo headset features in-line volume control and a microphone mute switch. No more disturbing those around you or broadcasting private conversations over the net! These stereo headphones have a single sided cable connection for maximum freedom of movement.

    Price: $79.95

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Portable Steam Sauna

    Portable Steam SaunaThis unit is a self-contained, high-tech portable steam sauna. When not in use, it folds up to the size of a shoe box, and can be easily stored out of the way. This steam sauna uses high quality patented siding, to retain all heat inside, and prevent as little heat and steam from leaving as possible. It also comes with the most updated steamer machine with remote control, designed for 30 or 60 minute cycles. The setup is VERY easy, no tools are needed. It is done in minutes. The operation is even easier, just add water to the steamer and plug in the unit, then will be ready in minutes! Please read below to find out all the healing benefits of these steam saunas.

    Product Features / Specifications:

    Remote controlled steam machine (remote control is included)
    High quality patented siding, ensuring the best heat and steam insulation on the market!
    30 and 60 minute timer settings
    Upgraded 1.5 Liter steam unit (many are less)
    New 850 Watt heater! Extremely powerful
    Comes with steam aromatherapy diffuser! (see pic)
    Stylish silver color with blue trim
    110-120v operation. Will be plug and play in any US outlet.
    High quality fiberglass frame poles - NOT cheap plastic like many others (These will never break)
    What is included in the package:

    Latest 2011 model steamer unit with remote control
    Patented sauna tent with fiberglass rods (not cheap plastic like others)
    Tubing to evenly distribute the steam, including steam diffuser and aromatherapy box (allows you to put scented herbs or oils)
    Included head cover (can be removed)
    Carry box with handles
    Everything you need is included!

    Price: $299.00

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Monster Cable MP AV 800 PowerCenter with Surge Protection

    Monster Cable MP AV 800 PowerCenter with Surge ProtectionHarmful power surges and voltage spikes can travel up AC power and coax connections and damage your components. Lightning, automatic garage doors, power tools, refrigerators and fluorescent lights all cause power surges and voltage spikes that can travel up AC power lines and coax cables to damage the sensitive electronic circuitry of your connected audio video components. Ordinary surge protectors, or the so-called value brands, often fail to provide the adequate level of protection your AV components need. Plus, standard surge protectors often cause as much as 20 to 30dB of signal loss which can adversely affect the output performance levels of coax connections.

    Price: $49.99

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    Balance Log Weight Loss Kit ~ Version 2.0



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    KIND PLUS Gluten Free Bars (Pack of 12)

    KIND Plus Calcium Bar


    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Omron Body Fat Monitor and Scale

    Fat loss monitor with scale. Easy to read 2" extra large digital display. Measures body fat percentage in .1% increments. Weight capacity up to 330 lb (.2 lb increments). Four person profile memory plus guest mode. Displays previous reading. Chrome metallic finish.


    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Saturday 12 February 2011

    1500mAh Li-ion Battery for Garmin Nuvi 600, Nuvi 610, Nuvi 610T, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 660, Nuvi 660 FM, Nuvi 670, Nuvi 680

    1500mAh Li-ion Battery for Garmin Nuvi 600, Nuvi 610, Nuvi 610T, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 660, Nuvi 660 FM, Nuvi 670, Nuvi 680No Tools and installation instructions included


    Click here to buy from Amazon

    The Secret to Attracting Wealth

    The Secret to Attracting WealthMaster the Secret to Attracting Wealth

    Everyone lives in the world of their own beliefs and those beliefs have energy. Your thoughts emit vibrations that literally act as magnets drawing to you people and circumstances that resonate with what you re thinking and feeling.

    This two-part meditation takes you into a super-deep trance state called Deep Mind, where hypnotic metaphors help you breakthrough limitation. You are guided to The Causal Plane, a very high plane of consciousness where what you visualize has incredible power to manifest.

    At this level of mind, you become what you think you are, for truly your thoughts are creative. In the days and weeks to come, you ll start attracting, ideas, opportunities and people to make your prosperity goals a reality. The results are profound.

    Price: $14.95

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    Tae-Bo Workout (SET OF 4: Basic, Instructional, Advanced, 8-minute Workout) [VHS]

    Tae-Bo Workout (SET OF 4: Basic, Instructional, Advanced, 8-minute Workout) [VHS]Billed as the "future of fitness" and hawked by numerous celebrities, Billy Blanks's Tae-Bo actually deserves much of the hype it's receiving. A mixture of boxing punches and martial arts kicks, Tae-Bo is fun and easy. One of the best elements of this four-tape set is that the first tape (which is 40 minutes long), Tae-Bo: Instructional, lays out the movements you need to successfully complete a workout. Once you've mastered the steps, you won't have to fast-forward through half the tape to get to the workout, nor will your workout be slowed down by the repeated lessons. After you feel comfortable with the movements (and they're really quite easy to follow; nothing too complicated to trip you up), you're ready to move on to Tae-Bo: Basics, a 27-minute workout (5 minutes of warm-up, 18 minutes of Tae-Bo, and 4 minutes of cool-down) that will have your heart pounding and your body sweating. Next comes Advanced, a 57-minute workout that will have your heart racing, pulse pounding, and sweat glands working overtime. There's razzmatazz on the moves, with slightly more complicated combinations that should be fairly easy to master if you've completed the first two tapes. This video seriously raises the bar on the difficulty factor.

    In addition to the short warm-up, the cool-down, and the 30 minutes of Tae-Bo, Advanced Tae-Bo also includes 18 minutes of muscle-crunching floor work. You know you're in trouble when even the guys in the tape have trouble keeping up. Make sure you have truly mastered the first two tapes before attempting this one. The 8-Minute Workout is a highly compacted workout (actually 14 minutes long when you include warm-up and cool-down) for those days when you're too short on time for Basic or Advanced. While the 8-minute idea is compelling, it's not an adequate substitute for the longer workouts. Blanks, a seven-time World Martial Arts champion, is a superb instructor, providing encouragement and careful instruction (if you don't know by the end of the tape to hold in your stomach, that's no one's fault but your own). The only downside to these tapes is the less-than-exciting music. Not only is Tae-Bo great exercise for all levels, but the punches and kicks are wonderful for working out stress and aggression. This is the aerobics exercise video for people who are bored by aerobics. --Jenny Brown

    Price: $29.98

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    OGOSPORT LLC Super Sports Disk Pack

    OGOSPORT LLC Super Sports Disk PackRecipient of the Oppenheim Award and the Parents Choice Award
    Includes: 2 Sports Disks & 1 Ball
    Throw it, Catch it, Bounce it. Try It!
    Play alone or with many people
    Throw and catch like a flying disk.
    Adapts to team sports like volleyball, baseball and tennis.
    Awesome with water balloons
    Or invent your own games. There are endless possibilities!

    Price: $40.00

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    The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

    The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming SuperhumanThinner, bigger, faster, stronger... which 150 pages will you read?

    Is it possible to:
    Reach your genetic potential in 6 months?
    Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours?
    Lose more fat than a marathoner by bingeing?
    Indeed, and much more. This is not just another diet and fitness book.

    The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs, and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation. From Olympic training centers to black-market laboratories, from Silicon Valley to South Africa, Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, fixated on one life-changing question:

    For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results?

    Thousands of tests later, this book contains the answers for both men and women.

    From the gym to the bedroom, it’s all here, and it all works.

    YOU WILL LEARN (in less than 30 minutes each):
    How to lose those last 5-10 pounds (or 100+ pounds) with odd combinations of food and safe chemical cocktails.

    * How to prevent fat gain while bingeing (X-mas, holidays, weekends)
    * How to increase fat-loss 300% with a few bags of ice
    * How Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and in four hours of total gym time
    * How to sleep 2 hours per day and feel fully rested
    * How to produce 15-minute female orgasms
    * How to triple testosterone and double sperm count
    * How to go from running 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in 12 weeks
    * How to reverse “permanent” injuries
    * How to add 150+ pounds to your lifts in 6 months
    * How to pay for a beach vacation with one hospital visit
    And that's just the tip of the iceberg.  There are more than 50 topics covered, all with real-world experiments, many including more than 200 test subjects.

    You don't need better genetics or more discipline. You need immediate results that compel you to continue.

    That’s exactly what The 4-Hour Body delivers.

    From the Hardcover edition.

    Price: $27.00

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    Gold's Gym Cardio Workout

    Gold's Gym Cardio Workout, exclusively available for the Nintendo Wii, makes it fun for you to get your workout in every day. The Balance Board-compatible game delivers a personal-training experience, pushing you through a routine of fun exercises that includes sit-ups, cardio boxing, running, and more.

    Cardio Boxing makes exercise both fun and rewarding. View larger.

    The game keeps track of your calories burned. View larger.
    Get Ready to Sweat
    Thanks to the Wii's motion tracking control and optional support for the Balance Board accessory, you can get a real workout that is fun and entertaining right at home. Gold's Gym Cardio Workout will run you through exercises such as cardio boxing, sit-ups, jumping rope, running, and more. The game keeps track of your progress, and as you become more fit, the game's level of difficulty evolves to give you a rigorous workout all the time.

    Track Your Progress and Weight Loss
    Gold's Gym Cardio Workout continually tracks your progress as you work out, maintaining a calendar of your activity. It tracks your burned calories and body weight, and it adjusts your workouts based on fitness level. It is like having a personal trainer working with you right in your living room.

    And, if you have the Balance Board, Gold's Gym Cardio Workout utilize the Balance Board to automatically take and keep track of your weight.

    Real-Life Gold's Gym Feel
    Get a realistic "gym feel" thanks to the game's use of Gold's Gym exclusive signage and the experience of authentic gym dialogue.

    One-Week Gold's Gym Trial Membership Included
    Each game includes a free one-week trial at a Gold's Gym.

    Price: $19.99

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    Friday 11 February 2011

    Yamaha EF2000iS 2,000 Watt 79cc OHV 4-Stroke Gas Powered Portable Inverter Generator (CARB Compliant)

    Powerful, portable, and efficient, the Yamaha EF2000iS Gas-Powered Portable Inverter delivers maximum electrical output without sacrificing portability. Thanks to its innovative inverter system, the generator is able to generate up to 2,000 watts of clean AC power. It can run up to 10.5 hours continuously without refueling and uses premium technologies to maximize fuel efficiency.

    Yamaha logo
    Inverter EF2000iS generator
    EF2000iS Inverter
    At a Glance
    • Combines powerful output with portability
    • Inverter system allows you to power delicate machinery
    • Fuel-efficient; can run for 12 hours without refueling
    • Lightweight and easy to carry
    • Backed by a 2-year warranty
    Inverter EF2000iS generator

    Compact and ergonomic, the EF2000iS is easy to store and transport. View larger.
    Inverter EF2000iS generator

    TwinTech technology allows you to hook up two units for added output. View larger.
    Powerful Inverter System Delivers Cleaner Electricity
    The EF2000iS is built around an innovative inverter system, which is able to deliver higher-quality, cleaner electricity than competing generators. It produces energy in the form of pure sine waves, which are cleaner and more reliable than most commercial power sources.

    In simpler terms, this means that you'll be able to confidently power delicate machinery without having to worry about the damage caused by unrefined energy. An electrical overload breaker is also included, to prevent generator damage in case of an unexpected overload.

    Smart Technologies for Optimal Fuel Efficiency
    The EF2000iS is exceptionally fuel efficient, able to run for up to 10.5 hours without refueling when in Economy mode. Its OHV engine runs reliably and dissipates heat efficiently, allowing for both a long life and optimal fuel consumption.

    With its Smart Throttle Load feature, the generator is able to dynamically adjust engine speed depending on output, resulting in greater overall fuel efficiency. The generator also features an exclusive dual coil alternator stator, which lowers engine speed and reduces total fuel consumption.

    Ergonomic, User-Friendly Design
    Weighing 44 pounds, the generator is ultra-portable and features an easy-to-carry design. It has a convenient, centralized control panel, which allows you to easily access all of the generator's features at the push of a button. It also starts up responsively due to its auto-decompression system, which reduces compression and makes start-up less difficult.

    For added convenience, the EF2000iS is able to recharge batteries with its 8A12V DC output, making it ideal for RV, auto, and boat owners. You can even hook up two EF2000iS units for added output, thanks to TwinTech technology. And you won't have to worry about engine damage due to low oil levels: an oil-watch warning system constantly monitors oil levels and lets you know when an oil change is needed.

    Noise Reduction for Quiet Operation
    The EF2000iS uses noise reduction technologies to ensure the quietest operation possible. Featuring a special sound-blocking design, the generator has noise-absorbing glass wool construction, which helps dampen noise even during heavy operation. Along with the EF2000iS' super-quiet muffler and vibration-isolating feet, it helps keep noise to a minimum.

    The EF2000iS is backed by a two-year warranty.

    What's in the Box
    Gas-powered generator

    Environmentally friendly, the EF2000iS has the EPA's longest engine emission life rating. View larger.

    The EF2000iS recharges 12-volt batteries, making it ideal for boat, RV, and auto owners. View larger.

    Price: $1,099.00

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