Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Poll: Gorilla diet anyone?

the-gorilla-diet.jpgWe can learn a lot of our furry friends and perhaps they can teach us to lose as well.

Two gorillas in Cleveland Zoo just finished a year long diet, enabled them to lose 65 pounds and they spent more than half of their watchful hours eating!

In captivity is the number one killer of lowland gorillas heart disease because of sugary biscuits and high starch food are captive gorillas are fed. In fact, they become so dependent on sugar, as the Olelo up sweet biscuits just so they can eat them a second time!

Cleveland Zoo began feeding their Gorilla couple nothing but a full of romaine lettuce, dandelion Greens, Endive, alfalfa hay, young tree branches, Green beans, a handful of flax seed and a banana laced with multivitamins daily wheelbarrow.

After a year on this diet gorillærne each lost 65 pounds and is now a similar weight to gorillas in the wild.

What this says about our Western diet and our obsession with sweet and with content of starch foods? Participate in comments and poll below.


People should adopt a gorilla diet?

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